Section: Identity and Location
Variable: Polity Capital
(All coded records)
The city where the ruler spends most of its time. If there were more than one capital supply all names and enclose in curly braces. For example, {Susa; Pasargadae; Persepolis; Ecbatana; Babylon}. Note that the capital may be different from the largest city (see below). Capital may be difficult to code for archaeologically known societies. If there is reasonable basis to believe that the largest known settlement was the seat of the ruler code it as capital (and indicate uncertainty in the narrative paragraph). Archaeologists are able to recognize special architectural structures, such as a ceremonial centres and some kind of citadels or palaces. These features could be recognized with certainty after a careful study of the whole region and the settlement network. If such an inference cannot be made, code as "unknown" (again, the largest settlement is coded elsewhere).