Section: Professions

Source Of Support

possible codes: state salary, governed population, land, none. 'State salary' can be paid either in currency or in kind (e.g., koku of rice). 'Governed population' means that the official directly collects tribute from the population (for example, the 'kormlenie' system in Medieval Russia). 'Land' is when the bureaucrats live off land supplied by the state. 'None' is when the state officials are not compensated (example: in the Republican and Principate Rome the magistrates were wealthy individuals who served without salary, motivated by prestige and social or career advancement).  
Contributors: Seshat RAs and Experts

Variable Definition
Polity The Seshat Polity Name
Year(s) The years for which we have the data. [negative = BCE]
Confidence Inferred : The value is inferred.
Suspected : The value is suspected (Expert Check Needed).
Evidenced : The value is backed up by sufficient evidence.
Disputed? No : No disagreement among scholars.
Yes : There is disagreement among scholars.
Expert? : Not yet Checked by a Seshat Expert.
: Checked and accepted by a Seshat Expert (or RA).

Variable Definition
Source Of Support The absence or presence of "Source Of Support" for a polity.

Source Of Support
#    Polity     Year(s)      Source Of Support   Confidence     Disputed?     Expert?   Edit
1 Khwarezmid Empire * Year Range of Khwarezmid Empire is assumed.
[1157, 1231]
salary Confident No Edit
2 Tudor and Early Stuart England * Year Range of Tudor and Early Stuart England is assumed.
[1486, 1689]
state salary Confident No Edit
3 Tudor and Early Stuart England * Year Range of Tudor and Early Stuart England is assumed.
[1486, 1689]
land Confident No Edit
4 Tudor and Early Stuart England * Year Range of Tudor and Early Stuart England is assumed.
[1486, 1689]
pensions Confident No Edit
5 Lombard Kingdom * Year Range of Lombard Kingdom is assumed.
[568, 774]
unknown Suspected No Edit
6 Saffarid Caliphate * Year Range of Saffarid Caliphate is assumed.
[861, 1003]
unknown Suspected No Edit
7 Hohokam Culture * Year Range of Hohokam Culture is assumed.
[300, 1500]
unknown Suspected No Edit
8 Antebellum US * Year Range of Antebellum US is assumed.
[1776, 1865]
salary Confident No Edit
9 Napoleonic France * Year Range of Napoleonic France is assumed.
[1816, 1870]
salary Confident No Edit
10 Austria - Habsburg Dynasty II * Year Range of Austria - Habsburg Dynasty II is assumed.
[1649, 1918]
enoblement Confident No Edit
11 Austria - Habsburg Dynasty II * Year Range of Austria - Habsburg Dynasty II is assumed.
[1649, 1918]
salary Confident No Edit
12 Austria - Habsburg Dynasty II 1867 CE 1918 CE salary Confident No Edit
13 Russian Empire, Romanov Dynasty II * Year Range of Russian Empire, Romanov Dynasty II is assumed.
[1776, 1917]
state salary Confident No Edit
14 Russian Empire, Romanov Dynasty II * Year Range of Russian Empire, Romanov Dynasty II is assumed.
[1776, 1917]
enoblement Confident No Edit
15 Austro-Hungarian Monarchy * Year Range of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy is assumed.
[1867, 1918]
enoblement Confident No Edit
16 Golden Horde * Year Range of Golden Horde is assumed.
[1240, 1440]
unknown Suspected No Edit
17 Us Reconstruction-Progressive * Year Range of Us Reconstruction-Progressive is assumed.
[1866, 1933]
salary Confident No Edit
18 Alaouite Dynasty I * Year Range of Alaouite Dynasty I is assumed.
[1631, 1727]
salary Confident No Edit
19 Plantagenet England * Year Range of Plantagenet England is assumed.
[1154, 1485]
state salary Confident No Edit
20 Plantagenet England * Year Range of Plantagenet England is assumed.
[1154, 1485]
land Confident No Edit
21 British Empire I * Year Range of British Empire I is assumed.
[1690, 1849]
salary Confident No Edit
22 Russian Empire, Romanov Dynasty I 1714 CE 1775 CE state salary Confident No Edit
23 Russian Empire, Romanov Dynasty I 1614 CE 1775 CE governed population Confident No Edit
24 British Empire IIIIIIIIII * Year Range of British Empire IIIIIIIIII is assumed.
[1850, 1968]
salary Confident No Edit
25 Holy Roman Empire - Ottonian-Salian Dynasty * Year Range of Holy Roman Empire - Ottonian-Salian Dynasty is assumed.
[919, 1125]
unknown Suspected No Edit