Home Region:  Anatolia-Caucasus (Southwest Asia)

Pergamon Kingdom

282 BCE 133 BCE

SC EQ 2020  tr_pergamon_k / TrPergm

Displayed: 279 BCE



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Preceding Entity:
No Polity found. Add one here.

Succeeding Entity:
No Polity found. Add one here.

No General Descriptions provided.

General Variables
Identity and Location
Temporal Bounds
Political and Cultural Relations
Social Complexity Variables
Social Scale
Hierarchical Complexity
Bureaucracy Characteristics
Specialized Buildings: polity owned
Transport Infrastructure
Special-purpose Sites
Information / Writing System
Information / Kinds of Written Documents
Information / Money
Information / Postal System
Information / Measurement System
Warfare Variables (Military Technologies)
Military use of Metals
Handheld weapons
Animals used in warfare
Naval technology
Economy Variables (Luxury Goods) Coding in Progress.
Religion Variables Coding in Progress.
Crisis Consequences Coding in Progress.
Power Transitions Coding in Progress.

NGA Settlements:

Year Range Pergamon Kingdom (tr_pergamon_k) was in:
Home NGA: None

General Variables
Identity and Location
Temporal Bounds
Political and Cultural Relations

Social Complexity Variables
Social Scale
Polity Territory:
66,750 km2
[-282, -133]

in squared miles. [1]

[1]: Hansen, E. V. (1947). The Attalids of Pergamon (p. 215ff). Cornell University Press, pp. 166.

Polity Population:
5,500,000 people
[-282, -133]


[1]: Hansen, E. V. (1947). The Attalids of Pergamon (p. 215ff). Cornell University Press, pp. 20.

Hierarchical Complexity
Settlement Hierarchy:
[-282, -133]

levels. 5) Satrapy or Strategiai [1]

[1]: McShane, R. B. (1964). The foreign policy of the Attalids of Pergamum (Vol. 53). University of Illinois Press, pp. 165.

Administrative Level:
[-282, -133]

5)King 4) Strategos
Strategos was governor of satrapies. He was controller of taxation system. He had military power to some extent. [1]

[1]: McShane, R. B. (1964). The foreign policy of the Attalids of Pergamum (Vol. 53). University of Illinois Press, pp. 165-166.

Source Of Support:
governed population
[-282, -133]

[1] ET: there was a question mark after governed population.

[1]: Hansen, E. V. (1947). The Attalids of Pergamon (p. 215ff). Cornell University Press, pp. 203-207.

Source Of Support:
state salary
[-282, -133]

[1] ET: there was a question mark after governed population.

[1]: Hansen, E. V. (1947). The Attalids of Pergamon (p. 215ff). Cornell University Press, pp. 203-207.

Bureaucracy Characteristics
Full Time Bureaucrat:
[-282, -133]

e.g. financial managers. [1]

[1]: McShane, R. B. (1964). The foreign policy of the Attalids of Pergamum (Vol. 53). University of Illinois Press, pp. 169.

Specialized Buildings: polity owned
Utilitarian Public Building:
[-282, -133]

[1] absent/present/unknown. Typical examples include aqueducts, sewers, and granaries.

[1]: McShane, R. B. (1964). The foreign policy of the Attalids of Pergamum (Vol. 53). University of Illinois Press, pp. 175.

Knowledge Or Information Building:
[-282, -133]

e.g. Library of Pergamon [1]
Transport infrastructure

[1]: Kosmetatou, E. (2000). Lycophron’s’ Alexandra’Reconsidered: The Attalid Connection. Hermes, 32-53.

Transport Infrastructure
[-282, -133]


[1]: McShane, R. B. (1964). The foreign policy of the Attalids of Pergamum (Vol. 53). University of Illinois Press, pp. 94

Special-purpose Sites
Information / Writing System
Written Record:
[-282, -133]

e.g. inscriptions [1]

[1]: Hansen, E. V. (1947). The Attalids of Pergamon (p. 215ff). Cornell University Press, pp. 204.

Information / Kinds of Written Documents
Information / Money
Indigenous Coin:
[-282, -133]


[1]: McShane, R. B. (1964). The foreign policy of the Attalids of Pergamum (Vol. 53). University of Illinois Press, pp. 175.

Information / Postal System
Information / Measurement System

Warfare Variables (Military Technologies)
Military use of Metals
Handheld weapons
Animals used in warfare
Naval technology

Economy Variables (Luxury Goods)

Coding in Progress.
Power Transitions
Coding in Progress.