Home Region:  Eastern India (South Asia)

Chandra Dynasty

900 CE 1050 CE

SC EC PT OTHER  bd_chandra_dyn / BdChandra



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Preceding Entity:
No Polity found. Add one here.

Succeeding Entity:
No Polity found. Add one here.

No General Descriptions provided.

General Variables
Identity and Location
Temporal Bounds
Political and Cultural Relations
Social Complexity Variables
Warfare Variables (Military Technologies)
Military use of Metals
Handheld weapons
Animals used in warfare
Naval technology
Economy Variables (Luxury Goods)
Luxury Goods
Luxury Precious Metal: Present
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

Luxury Spices Incense And Dyes: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

Luxury Manufactured Goods: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

Luxury Glass Goods: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

Luxury Food: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

Luxury Fabrics: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

Luxury Drink/Alcohol: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

Luxury Statuary: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

Luxury Precious Stone: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

Luxury Fine Ceramic Wares: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

Religion Variables Coding in Progress.
Human Sacrifice Coding in Progress.
Crisis Consequences Coding in Progress.
Power Transitions Coding in Progress.

NGA Settlements:

Year Range Chandra Dynasty (bd_chandra_dyn) was in:
Home NGA: None

General Variables
Identity and Location
Temporal Bounds
Political and Cultural Relations

Social Complexity Variables
Social Scale
Polity Territory:
[900, 1050]

Hierarchical Complexity
Settlement Hierarchy:
[900, 1050]

Religious Level:
[900, 1050]

Military Level:
[900, 1050]

Administrative Level:
[900, 1050]

Source Of Support:
state salary
[900, 1050]
Source Of Support:
[900, 1050]

Bureaucracy Characteristics
Full Time Bureaucrat:
[900, 1050]

Specialized Buildings: polity owned
[900, 1050]

Irrigation System:
[900, 1050]

Food Storage Site:
[900, 1050]

Drinking Water Supply System:
[900, 1050]

Utilitarian Public Building:
[900, 1050]

Symbolic Building:
[900, 1050]

Special Purpose House:
[900, 1050]

Transport Infrastructure
[900, 1050]

Special-purpose Sites
Special Purpose Site:
[900, 1050]

[900, 1050]

Ceremonial Site:
[900, 1050]

Information / Writing System
Written Record:
[900, 1050]

[900, 1050]

Phonetic Alphabetic Writing:
[900, 1050]

Nonwritten Record:
[900, 1050]

Information / Kinds of Written Documents
Scientific Literature:
[900, 1050]

Religious Literature:
[900, 1050]

[900, 1050]

[900, 1050]

Information / Money
[900, 1050]

Precious Metal:
[900, 1050]

Indigenous Coin:
[900, 1050]

Store Of Wealth:
[900, 1050]

Information / Postal System
Information / Measurement System

Warfare Variables (Military Technologies)
Military use of Metals
Handheld weapons
Animals used in warfare
Naval technology

Economy Variables (Luxury Goods)
Luxury Goods
[900, 1050]
Luxury Precious Metal: Present
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

“Tarafdar himself admits that epigraphic records prepared during Deva, Chandra and Varman rule give no indication of trade, which renders impossible the determination of the extent of commercialisation of the contemporary society.” [Thakur 1987, p. 202] “Not a single new commercial centre sprang up in Bengal between the 8th and 13th centuries A.D. and it appears that this region had hardly a place in external trade for at least 500 years.” [Thakur 1987, p. 206]

[900, 1050]
Luxury Spices Incense And Dyes: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

“Tarafdar himself admits that epigraphic records prepared during Deva, Chandra and Varman rule give no indication of trade, which renders impossible the determination of the extent of commercialisation of the contemporary society.” [Thakur 1987, p. 202] “Not a single new commercial centre sprang up in Bengal between the 8th and 13th centuries A.D. and it appears that this region had hardly a place in external trade for at least 500 years.” [Thakur 1987, p. 206]

[900, 1050]
Luxury Manufactured Goods: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

“Tarafdar himself admits that epigraphic records prepared during Deva, Chandra and Varman rule give no indication of trade, which renders impossible the determination of the extent of commercialisation of the contemporary society.” [Thakur 1987, p. 202] “Not a single new commercial centre sprang up in Bengal between the 8th and 13th centuries A.D. and it appears that this region had hardly a place in external trade for at least 500 years.” [Thakur 1987, p. 206]

[900, 1050]
Luxury Glass Goods: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

“Tarafdar himself admits that epigraphic records prepared during Deva, Chandra and Varman rule give no indication of trade, which renders impossible the determination of the extent of commercialisation of the contemporary society.” [Thakur 1987, p. 202] “Not a single new commercial centre sprang up in Bengal between the 8th and 13th centuries A.D. and it appears that this region had hardly a place in external trade for at least 500 years.” [Thakur 1987, p. 206]

[900, 1050]
Luxury Food: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

“Tarafdar himself admits that epigraphic records prepared during Deva, Chandra and Varman rule give no indication of trade, which renders impossible the determination of the extent of commercialisation of the contemporary society.” [Thakur 1987, p. 202] “Not a single new commercial centre sprang up in Bengal between the 8th and 13th centuries A.D. and it appears that this region had hardly a place in external trade for at least 500 years.” [Thakur 1987, p. 206]

[900, 1050]
Luxury Fabrics: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

“Tarafdar himself admits that epigraphic records prepared during Deva, Chandra and Varman rule give no indication of trade, which renders impossible the determination of the extent of commercialisation of the contemporary society.” [Thakur 1987, p. 202] “Not a single new commercial centre sprang up in Bengal between the 8th and 13th centuries A.D. and it appears that this region had hardly a place in external trade for at least 500 years.” [Thakur 1987, p. 206]

[900, 1050]
Luxury Drink/Alcohol: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

“Tarafdar himself admits that epigraphic records prepared during Deva, Chandra and Varman rule give no indication of trade, which renders impossible the determination of the extent of commercialisation of the contemporary society.” [Thakur 1987, p. 202] “Not a single new commercial centre sprang up in Bengal between the 8th and 13th centuries A.D. and it appears that this region had hardly a place in external trade for at least 500 years.” [Thakur 1987, p. 206]

[900, 1050]
Luxury Statuary: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

“Tarafdar himself admits that epigraphic records prepared during Deva, Chandra and Varman rule give no indication of trade, which renders impossible the determination of the extent of commercialisation of the contemporary society.” [Thakur 1987, p. 202] “Not a single new commercial centre sprang up in Bengal between the 8th and 13th centuries A.D. and it appears that this region had hardly a place in external trade for at least 500 years.” [Thakur 1987, p. 206]

[900, 1050]
Luxury Precious Stone: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

“Tarafdar himself admits that epigraphic records prepared during Deva, Chandra and Varman rule give no indication of trade, which renders impossible the determination of the extent of commercialisation of the contemporary society.” [Thakur 1987, p. 202] “Not a single new commercial centre sprang up in Bengal between the 8th and 13th centuries A.D. and it appears that this region had hardly a place in external trade for at least 500 years.” [Thakur 1987, p. 206]

[900, 1050]
Luxury Fine Ceramic Wares: Suspected Unknown
Place(s) of Provenance: suspected unknown
Consumption by Ruler: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Elite: Suspected Unknown
Consumption by Common People: Suspected Unknown

“Tarafdar himself admits that epigraphic records prepared during Deva, Chandra and Varman rule give no indication of trade, which renders impossible the determination of the extent of commercialisation of the contemporary society.” [Thakur 1987, p. 202] “Not a single new commercial centre sprang up in Bengal between the 8th and 13th centuries A.D. and it appears that this region had hardly a place in external trade for at least 500 years.” [Thakur 1987, p. 206]

Human Sacrifice Data
Human Sacrifice is the deliberate and ritualized killing of a person to please or placate supernatural entities (including gods, spirits, and ancestors) or gain other supernatural benefits.
Coding in Progress.
Coding in Progress.
Power Transitions