Seshat: Global History Databank

✓ the most current and comprehensive body of knowledge about human history
✓ collects what is currently known about the social and political organization of human societies over time
✓ offers the means to study the past through well-established scientific techniques
✓ founded in 2011 and thriving ever since


General Variables
26 variables 8880 records

Alternative Name (Identity and Location)

Polity Peak Years (Temporal Bounds)

Polity Capital (Identity and Location)

Polity Language (Language)

Polity Religion (Religion)

Degree of Centralization (Temporal Bounds)

Succeeding Entity (Supra-cultural relations)

Relationship to Preceding Entity (Supra-cultural relations)

and 18 more ... for 534 Polities

Social Complexity Variables
77 variables 25104 records

Polity Territory (Social Scale)

Polity Population (Social Scale)

Settlement Hierarchy (Hierarchical Complexity)

Irrigation System (Specialized Buildings: polity owned)

Merit Promotion (Bureaucracy Characteristics)

Formal Legal Code (Law)

Road (Transport Infrastructure)

Postal Station (Information / Postal System)

and 69 more ... for 619 Polities

Warfare Variables
49 variables 17537 records

Bronze (Military use of Metals)

Javelin (Projectiles)

Battle Axe (Handheld Weapons)

Sword (Handheld Weapons)

Horse (Animals used in warfare)

Small Vessels (canoes, etc) (Naval technology)

Shield (Armor)

Wooden Palisade (Fortifications)

and 41 more ... for 377 Polities

Human Sacrifice
357 records

Egypt - Dynasty 0: Absent 3300 BCE 3101 BCE

Kediri Kingdom: Present 1049 CE 1222 CE

Latium - Copper Age: Absent 3600 BCE 1801 BCE

Longshan: Present 3000 BCE 1900 BCE

Zungharian Empire: Absent 1695 CE 1745 CE

Cahokia - Emergent Mississippian I: Absent 750 CE 899 CE

Tocharians: Absent 129 BCE 29 CE

Egypt - Middle Kingdom: Present 2016 BCE 1721 BCE

and 349 more ... coded for 323 Polities


Power Transitions
Overturn / Intra-Elite / Military Revolt / Popular Uprising / Separatist Rebellion / External Invasion / External Interference / Predecessor Assassination 
1770 CE 1773 CE (Mutapa)
Ganyambadzi Chitengu
967 CE 972 CE (Rashtrakuta Empire)
Khottiga Karka II
External Invasion
1559 CE 1565 CE (Papal States - Early Modern Period I)
Pius IV (de' Medici) Pius V (Ghislieri)
1308 CE 1327 CE (Late Angkor)
Indrajayavarman Jayavarmaparamesvara
1203 CE 1205 CE (Kievan Rus)
Roman II the Great and Rostislav II Rostislav II and Vsevolod IV the Red
Overturn Intra-Elite
96 CE 98 CE (Roman Empire - Principate)
Nerva Trajan
70 BCE 57 BCE (Parthian Empire I)
Phraates III Mithridates III
Overturn Intra-Elite Predecessor Assassination
1706 CE 1708 CE (Ethiopia Kingdom II)
Tekle Haymanot Tewoflos
Overturn Intra-Elite Military Revolt Predecessor Assassination

and 3441 more ... coded for 261 Polities

Crisis Consequences
Population Decline / Population Collapse / Elite Downward Mobility / Elite Extermination / Uprising / Revolution / Successful Revolution / Civil War / Lasted > a Century / Capital Loss / External Conquest / Ruler Assassination / Ruler Depose / Constitution Change / Labor Change / Unfree Labor Change / Suffrage / Public Goods Change / Religion Change 
235 CE 284 CE (Roman Empire - Principate)
Third Century Crisis
Population Decline Epidemic Elite Downward Mobility Civil War Ruler Assassination
865 CE 866 CE (Byzantine Empire I)
Rise of Macedonioan Emperors
Ruler Assassination
1718 CE 1778 CE (Late Illinois Confederation)
French-British colonization, attacks by Haudenosaunee, internal conflict
Population Decline Population Collapse Epidemic Elite Downward Mobility Uprising Civil War Fragmentation External Conquest
1325 CE 1361 CE (Chagatai Khanate)
Fragmentation of Chagatai Khanate
Uprising Fragmentation External Conquest Ruler Assassination Ruler Depose
403 BCE 256 BCE (Eastern Zhou)
Fragmentation of Eastern Zhou (Warring States)
Elite Downward Mobility Civil War Fragmentation External Conquest
1650 CE (Sakha - Late)
Smallpox Epidemic
Population Decline Epidemic
671 BCE 656 BCE (Egypt - Kushite Period)
Fall of Kushite Kingdom
Fragmentation External Conquest Ruler Depose
1867 CE 1872 CE (Late A'chik)
Colonial supression and control of the A'chik
Uprising Capital Loss External Conquest

and 161 more ... coded for 153 Polities

🇺🇸 US Political Violence Database
Date / Violence Type / Violence Subtype(s) / Location(s) / Fatalities / Narrative / Source(s)

Oct. 1, 2002 Terrorism in Oklahoma (OK), Sallisaw: 2 were killed.   The New York Times

Dec. 1, 1974 Terrorism (education) in New York (NY), Olean: 3 were killed.   The New York Times

Jan. 1, 1910 Lynching (extralegal) in Ohio (OH), Newark: 1 was killed.   Paul A. Gilje, Riots In The United States

May 1, 2010 Terrorism (political) in Arkansas (AR), West Memphis: 4 were killed.   The New York Times

May 1, 1945 Riot (prison) in Indiana (IN), Fort Benjamin Harrison: 2 were killed.   Hartford Daily Courant Or The Hartford Courant

Dec. 1, 2011 Terrorism (political) in Virginia (VA), Blacksburg: 2 were killed.   Reuters

July 1, 1912 Riot (labor) in Louisiana (LA), Grabow: 4 were killed.   Paul A. Gilje, Riots In The United States

Jan. 1, 1868 Riot (political) in Alabama (AL), Huntsville: 2 were killed.   Paul A. Gilje, Riots In The United States

and 1916 more ...