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# Item Type Title Creator(s) Year Added
101 book Hindu Goddesses: Visions of the Divine Feminine in the Hindu Religious Tradition Kinsley 1986 30.7.2024
102 bookSection Tamil Hindu Literature Cutler_Flood 2003 30.7.2024
103 bookSection Tamil Nadu: Weaving Garlands in Tamil: The Poetry of the Alvars Bryant_Narayanan 2007 30.7.2024
104 bookSection Mokṣa Klostermaier_Mittal_Thursby 2004 29.7.2024
105 journalArticle Whence karma? Bronkhorst 2022 29.7.2024
106 journalArticle Ecosystem Services and Human Wellbeing-Based Approaches Can Help Transform Our Economies Sangha_Gordon_Costanza 2022 25.7.2024
107 blogPost Inclusive Wealth Index: A Comprehensive Measure of LiFE Towards ‘Net Zero’ - - 25.7.2024
108 journalArticle Assessment of Urban Resilience to Natural Disasters with a System Dynamics Tool: Case Study of Latvian Municipality Feofilovs_Romagnoli 2020 25.7.2024
109 journalArticle Dynamic assessment of urban resilience to natural hazards Feofilovs_Romagnoli 2021 25.7.2024
110 journalArticle A new scenario framework for Climate Change Research: scenario matrix architecture van_Vuuren_et_al 2014 25.7.2024
111 journalArticle Cross-impact balances: A system-theoretical approach to cross-impact analysis Weimer-Jehle 2006 25.7.2024
112 journalArticle Scenarios and Decision Support for Security and Conflict Risks in the Context of Climate Change Schweizer 2019 25.7.2024
113 report Navigating New Horizons: A global foresight report on planetary health and human wellbeing Programme_Council 2024 25.7.2024
114 report Governance in complexity - Sustainability governance under highly uncertain and complex conditions - - 25.7.2024
115 preprint Systemic contributions to global catastrophic risk Arnscheidt_et_al 2024 25.7.2024
116 bookSection Bhakti Lorenzen_Mittal_Thursby 2004 24.7.2024
117 book The Bhagavad Gita: A New Translation, Contexts, Criticism Flood_Martin 2015 24.7.2024
118 book A Storm of Songs: India and the Idea of the Bhakti Movement Hawley 2015 24.7.2024
119 book A Genealogy of Devotion: Bhakti, Tantra, Yoga, and Sufism in North India Burchett 2019 24.7.2024
120 webpage SFM findings: Lower disaster mortality, higher affected population | UNDRR - 2024 21.7.2024
121 journalArticle The War Houses of the Watara in West Africa Şaul,_Mahir 1998 19.7.2024
122 journalArticle A Critical Assessment Regarding Two-Temperature Models: An Investigation of the Different Forms of Two-Temperature Models, the Various Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Models and Computational Methods Alexopoulou_Markopoulos 2024 19.7.2024
123 journalArticle MERCHANTS AS AGENTS OF THE STATE UNDER THE HOYSALAS Nayaka 2003 19.7.2024
125 journalArticle (No Title) - - 19.7.2024
126 book (No Title) Battuta_Gibb 1971 18.7.2024
127 book The Purāṇas Rocher 1986 18.7.2024
128 bookSection The Jam System: The Mongol Institution for Communication and Transportation Shim_May_Hope 2022 18.7.2024
129 journalArticle Mongol Law—A Concise Historical Survey Riasanovsky 1948 18.7.2024
130 journalArticle The Muqaddam Represented in the pre-Mongol Persian Documents from Ghur Husseini 2021 18.7.2024
131 encyclopediaArticle Ghurid Sultanate Thomas_MacKenzie 2016 18.7.2024
132 bookSection THE GHAZNAVIDS Bosworth_Asimov 1998 18.7.2024
133 book The Ebb and Flow of the Ghurid Empire Thomas 2018 18.7.2024
134 conferencePaper ACCESSING FIRUZKUH, THE SUMMER CAPITAL OF THE GHURIDS Thomas_Shearer 2005 18.7.2024
135 journalArticle The Growth of Trade Among the Igbo Before 1800 Northrup,_David 1972 17.7.2024
136 book The Dance of Siva: Religion, Art and Poetry in South India Smith 2003 17.7.2024
137 book Krishna: A Sourcebook Bryant 2007 17.7.2024
138 preprint Cultural evolution in populations of Large Language Models Perez_et_al 2024 16.7.2024
139 journalArticle Articulating Crisis and creating radical alternatives: Insights from weavers of the Global Tapestry of Alternatives Bajpai_Ramasar - 16.7.2024
140 thesis THE EVOLUTION OF MONEY IN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE, 1326-1922 Akkaya 1999 16.7.2024
141 bookSection The Ottoman Empire (1299–1923): The Bureaucratization of Patrimonial Authority Barkey_Crooks_Parsons 2016 16.7.2024
142 journalArticle The Role of Ancestors in Iban Traditional Religion Clark_Rikando 2023 16.7.2024
143 journalArticle Agriculture on the Mongolian Steppe Doeke 2012 16.7.2024
144 book The Birth of the Gods: The Origin of Primitive Beliefs Swanson 1960 16.7.2024
145 book I servizi segreti di Venezia. Spionaggio e controspionaggio ai tempi della Serenissima Preto 2010 15.7.2024
147 bookSection The Use of Coin in the Carolingian Empire in the Ninth Century Coupland_et_al 2014 15.7.2024
148 journalArticle Charlemagne’s Summit Canal - - 15.7.2024
149 journalArticle The Maritime and Continental Networks of Kīsh Merchants under Mongol Rule Yokkaichi 2019 15.7.2024
150 journalArticle Repeated plague infections across six generations of Neolithic Farmers Seersholm_et_al 2024 12.7.2024
151 bookSection Canals and river navigations before 1750 Skempton_Chrimes 2017 12.7.2024
152 journalArticle The Iranian origin of the word 'barid' Gazagnadou 2017 12.7.2024
153 bookSection Sasanian Cities: Archaeological Perspectives on the Urban Economy and Built Environment of an Empire Simpsoin_Sauer 2017 12.7.2024
154 journalArticle Some Notes on the Palaces of the Imperial Gurjara Pratīhāras Willis 1995 12.7.2024
155 bookSection The Gurjara-Pratiharas Deyell_Chakravarti 2001 12.7.2024
156 bookSection The Gupta Kingdom Chakrabarti 1996 12.7.2024
157 bookSection Indian Kingdoms 1200–1500 and the Maritime Trade in Monetary Commodities Deyell_Serel_Campbell 2019 12.7.2024
158 journalArticle Rural Society and Rural Economy in the Ganga Valley during the Gahadavalas Kumar 2015 12.7.2024
160 journalArticle The Horse in Arabia and the Arabian Horse: Origins, Myths and Realities Schiettecatte_Zouache 2017 11.7.2024
161 journalArticle Agriculture and animal husbandry at Ziyadid Zabid, Yemen McCorriston_Johnson 1998 11.7.2024
162 journalArticle A FEW FACTS ABOUT ZABID Keall 1989 11.7.2024
163 journalArticle A history of the Ziyadids through their coinage (203—442/818—1050) Peli 2008 11.7.2024
164 journalArticle Social inequalities and the environmental crisis: need for an intergenerational alliance: Tenth anniversary of Frontiers in Public Health Vineis_Gambhir 2023 10.7.2024
165 journalArticle The trajectory of the Anthropocene: the great acceleration Steffen_et_al 2015 10.7.2024
166 journalArticle Things are different today: the challenge of global systemic risks Renn_et_al 2019 10.7.2024
167 journalArticle The emergence of global systemic risk Centeno_et_al 2015 10.7.2024
168 journalArticle Has neoliberal globalisation contributed to growing levels of nationalism across Europe? Quirk 2022 10.7.2024
169 journalArticle VIEWPOINT Grasping the Fear: How Xenophobia Intersects with Climatephobia and Robotphobia and how their Co-production Creates Feelings of Abandonment, Self-pity and Destruction Paerregaard 2019 10.7.2024
170 journalArticle World social report 2020: Inequality in a rapidly changing world DESA 2020 10.7.2024
171 journalArticle Managing systemic risk through transformative change: Combining systemic risk analysis with knowledge co-production Hochrainer-Stigler_et_al 2024 9.7.2024
172 journalArticle Towards Quantitatively Understanding the Complexity of Social-Ecological Systems—From Connection to Consilience Hu_et_al 2017 9.7.2024
173 bookSection Documentary Evidence for the Early History of the Barìd Silverstein_SIJPESTEIJN_SUNDELIN 2004 9.7.2024
174 book Town-Talk: Dynamics of Urban Anthropology Ansari,_Ghaus_and_Peter_J._M._Nas 1983 9.7.2024
175 journalArticle The Seljuk Sultanate of Rūm and the Turkmen of the Byzantine frontier, 1206–1279 Peacock 2014 9.7.2024
176 journalArticle The Guilds of Law in Medieval Legal History: An Inquiry into the Origins of the Inns of Court Makdisi 1985 9.7.2024
177 journalArticle Panorama historique des métiers du droit en France et à l’étranger Halpérin 2018 9.7.2024
178 journalArticle A synthesis of evidence for policy from behavioural science during COVID-19 Ruggeri_et_al 2024 8.7.2024
179 journalArticle Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response Bavel_et_al 2020 8.7.2024
180 journalArticle On the accuracy, media representation, and public perception of psychological scientists’ judgments of societal change. Hutcherson_et_al 2023 8.7.2024
181 journalArticle ViEWS: A political violence early-warning system Hegre_et_al 2019 8.7.2024
182 journalArticle "Lawyers" in Classical Hindu Law Rocher 1969 8.7.2024
183 journalArticle Ceramics Exchange between Northern China and Early Goryeo Namwon 2011 8.7.2024
184 journalArticle When expert predictions fail Grossmann_et_al 2024 5.7.2024
185 bookSection Coins for Trade and for Wages:The Development of Coinage Systems in MedievalVenice Stahl_Lucassen 2007 5.7.2024
186 journalArticle ‘The most difficult financial matter that has ever presented itself’: paper money and the financing of warfare under Louis XIV Felix 2018 5.7.2024
187 bookSection The Other South Arabians: The Ancient South Arabian Kingdoms and Their MSA (Modern South Arabian) Neighbors, ca. 300 BCE-550 CE Hatke_Hatke_Ruzicka 2019 5.7.2024
188 journalArticle A Typology of the Prestige Language Kahane 1986 5.7.2024
189 dataset Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development - - 3.7.2024
190 newspaperArticle Obsession with growth is enriching elites and killing the planet. We need an economy based on human rights Schutter 2024 3.7.2024
191 journalArticle A Way To Return The Constitution To The People Lempert 2022 3.7.2024
192 journalArticle Positive Pathways through Polycrisis Lawrence_Shipman - 3.7.2024
193 book Aztec imperial strategies Berdan 1996 2.7.2024
194 book Empires Doyle 1986 2.7.2024
195 journalArticle Food trade disruption after global catastrophes Jehn_et_al 2024 2.7.2024
196 journalArticle The Symbolic Role of Animals in Babylon: A Contextual Approach to the Lion, the Bull and the Mušḫuššu Watanabe 2015 2.7.2024
197 book The Princes of Orange Rowen 1988 2.7.2024
198 webpage Global Earthquake Social Vulnerability Map - - 28.6.2024
199 webpage Vulnerability | Understanding Disaster Risk - 2021 28.6.2024
200 bookSection Empires and Imperialism Covey_et_al 2014 28.6.2024
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