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# Item Type Title Creator(s) Year Added
1 journalArticle Black Sea Emporia and the Mongol Empire: A Reassessment of the Pax Mongolica Di_Cosmo 2010 17.9.2024
2 book The Encyclopaedia of the Black Death Byrne 2012 17.9.2024
3 bookSection Greater than the Sum of Its Surveyed Parts: Reconstructing the Population of Late Classic Peten with Updated Methods and New Data Canuto_et_al 2024 17.9.2024
4 book Slavery in the Black Sea Region, c.900–1900: Forms of Unfreedom at the Intersection between Christianity and Islam - 2021 16.9.2024
5 bookSection Introduction Roșu 2021 16.9.2024
6 journalArticle 1Integrating Physical Climate Risks and Adaptation into Sovereign Credit Ratings Bernhofen_et_al - 13.9.2024
7 journalArticle A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations Gupta_et_al 2024 13.9.2024
8 book Nature, Culture, and Inequality: A Comparative and Historical Perspective Piketty_Wood 2024 12.9.2024
9 journalArticle Ecology, culture and leadership: Theoretical integration and review Lonati_Van_Vugt 2024 12.9.2024
10 book Naturally selected: The evolutionary science of leadership. van_Vugt_Ahuja 2011 12.9.2024
11 book Goliath's Curse: Why Societies Collapse and What it Means for Our Future Kemp 2025 11.9.2024
12 journalArticle State Crisis Theory: A Unification of Institutional, Socio-ecological, Demographic-structural, World-systems, and Revolutions Research Hartley 2024 11.9.2024
13 book Taoism: The Enduring Tradition Kirkland 2004 11.9.2024
14 bookSection Religion and Religious Life of the Qin Pines_et_al 2014 11.9.2024
15 journalArticle Modelling social norms: an integration of the norm-utility approach with beliefs dynamics Gavrilets_Tverskoi_Sánchez 2024 10.9.2024
16 book The First Harvest and the Great Hunger: Climate, Pandemics and the Change in the Old World to 500 AD Preiser-Kapeller 2021 10.9.2024
17 book Making China Modern: From the Great Qing to Xi Jinping Mühlhahn 2019 10.9.2024
18 book The World the Plague Made: The Black Death and the Rise of Europe Belich 2022 10.9.2024
19 book The Price of Collapse: The Little Ice Age and the Fall of Ming China Brook 2023 10.9.2024
20 book Colonial Cataclysms: Climate, Landscape, and Memory in Mexico's Little Ice Age Skopyk 2020 10.9.2024
21 book Conversion to Islam in the Balkans Minkov 2004 10.9.2024
22 journalArticle Plague Mortality in Late Medieval Cairo: Quantifying the Plague Outbreaks of 833/1430 and 864/1460 Borsch_Sabraa 2016 9.9.2024
23 book The Great Transition: Climate, disease and society in the late-medieval world Campbell 2016 9.9.2024
24 journalArticle The source of the Black Death in fourteenth-century central Eurasia Spyrou_et_al 2022 9.9.2024
25 journalArticle From the Tian Shan to Crimea: Dynamics of Plague Spread during the Early Stages of the Black Death, 1338–46 Slavin 2023 9.9.2024
26 journalArticle The Birth of the Black Death: Biology, Climate, Environment, and the Beginnings of the Second Plague Pandemic in Early Fourteenth-Century Central Asia Slavin 2023 9.9.2024
27 preprint Cliopatria - A geospatial database of world-wide political entities from 3400BCE to 2024CE Bennett_et_al 2024 9.9.2024
28 preprint Empirically Testing Predictions of an Attrition Warfare Model for the War in Ukraine Turchin 2023 9.9.2024
29 journalArticle Climate policies that achieved major emission reductions: Global evidence from two decades Stechemesser_et_al 2024 8.9.2024
30 journalArticle Persistent polarization: The unexpected durability of political animosity around US elections Fasching_et_al 2024 6.9.2024
31 book The Philosophy of the Mòzĭ: The First Consequentialists Fraser 2016 6.9.2024
32 book A Cold Welcome: The Little Ice Age and Europe’s Encounter with North America White 2018 6.9.2024
33 journalArticle Social complexity and sustainability Tainter 2006 5.9.2024
34 journalArticle The Ukraine War, Food Trade and the Network of Global Crises Hussein_Knol 2023 5.9.2024
35 journalArticle Syrian crisis repercussions on the agricultural sector: Case study of wheat, cotton and olives Mohammed_et_al 2020 5.9.2024
36 journalArticle The humanitarian-development-peace nexus for global food security: Responding to the climate crisis, conflict, and supply chain disruptions Barakat_Cochrane_Vasekha 2023 5.9.2024
37 journalArticle Introduction: Escaping the politics trap? EU integration pathways beyond the polycrisis Nicoli_Zeitlin 2024 5.9.2024
38 journalArticle How useful is the concept of polycrisis? Lessons from the development of the Canada emergency response benefit during the COVID-19 pandemic Dinan_Béland_Howlett 2024 5.9.2024
39 journalArticle The polycrisis and EU security and defence competences Hoeffler_Hofmann_Mérand 2024 5.9.2024
40 journalArticle The new era of polycrisis and how to tackle it Kotarski 2023 5.9.2024
41 journalArticle Drought, Epidemic Disease, and the Fall of Classic Period Cultures in Mesoamerica (AD 750–950). Hemorrhagic Fevers as a Cause of Massive Population Loss Acuna-Soto_et_al 2005 4.9.2024
42 journalArticle Culture–gene coevolution of individualism–collectivism and the serotonin transporter gene Chiao_Blizinsky 2009 4.9.2024
43 journalArticle Parasite stress and pathogen avoidance relate to distinct dimensions of political ideology across 30 nations Tybur_et_al 2016 4.9.2024
44 journalArticle TJN WP 2024-02: Taxing extreme wealth: What countries around the world could gain from progressive wealth taxes Schultz_Palanský_Center_For_Open_Science 2024 4.9.2024
45 journalArticle Drought and the Maya Collapse Gill_et_al 2007 4.9.2024
46 journalArticle Terminal Classic Drought in the Northern Maya Lowlands Inferred from Multiple Sediment Cores in Lake Chichancanab (Mexico) Hodell_Brenner_Curtis 2005 4.9.2024
47 journalArticle Climate and the Collapse of Maya Civilization Haug_et_al 2003 4.9.2024
48 journalArticle Duration of Urban Mortality for the 14th-Century Black Death Epidemic Olea_Christakos 2005 2.9.2024
49 book Narcotic Culture: A History of Drugs in China Dikötter_Laamann_Xun 2004 2.9.2024
50 book The Inner Opium War (Harvard East Asian Monographs): No.151 Polachek 1992 2.9.2024
51 bookSection Western Zhou Rites and Mortuary Practice (Inscriptions and Texts) Cook_Childs-Johnson 2020 2.9.2024
52 book Sources of Chinese Tradition, Vol. 1: From Earliest Times to 1600 de_Bary_Bloom 1999 2.9.2024
53 bookSection Cities and Urbanism in Prehispanic Mesoameria Blanton_Nichols_Pool 2012 1.9.2024
54 journalArticle In Focus: Landscapes over Time: Resilience, Degradation, and Contemporary Lessons Introduction to "Landscapes over Time" Fisher_Feinman 2005 1.9.2024
55 artwork A map showing the extent of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom M.Bitton 2022 1.9.2024
56 artwork Map showing the spread of the Black Death in Europe between 1346 and 1353. Flappiefh 2018 1.9.2024
57 journalArticle The origin and early spread of Black Death in Italy: first evidence of plague victims from 14th century Liguria (Northern Italy) Cesane_Benedictow_Bianucci 2017 1.9.2024
58 bookSection The transformation of early agrarian Europe: the later Neolithic and Copper Ages, 4500-2500 BC Cunliffe_Sherratt 2001 30.8.2024
59 bookSection Buddhism Kieschnick_Dien_Knapp 2019 30.8.2024
60 bookSection Western Jin Chaussende_Dien_Knapp 2019 30.8.2024
61 bookSection Confucian Learning and Influence Knapp_Dien_Knapp 2019 30.8.2024
62 bookSection The Northern Economy Xiong_Dien_Knapp 2019 30.8.2024
63 bookSection The Art of War Graff_Dien_Knapp 2019 30.8.2024
65 report IPCC, 2023: Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Lee_et_al 2023 29.8.2024
66 journalArticle Landscape of fear: indirect effects of conflict can account for large-scale population declines in non-state societies Kondor_et_al 2024 29.8.2024
67 journalArticle Sociopolitical Network Interactions: A Case Study of the Classic Maya Munson_Macri 2009 29.8.2024
68 journalArticle The political collapse of Chichén Itzá in climatic and cultural context Hoggarth_et_al 2016 29.8.2024
69 journalArticle Maya Monuments and Spatial Statistics: a GIS-Based Examination of the Terminal Classic Period Maya Collapse Ebert_Prufer_Kennett 2012 29.8.2024
70 bookSection Genealogies of Gods, Ghosts and Humans: The Capriciousness of the Divine in Early Greece and Early China Lloyd_Zhao_Puett 2018 29.8.2024
71 bookSection Cities During the Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms Period, and the Turning Point of Chinese Urban History Fu_Cao 2019 29.8.2024
72 bookSection The Ostrogothic Kingdom: Ideologies and Transitions Heydemann_et_al - 29.8.2024
73 bookSection Bishops, Ecclesiastical Institutions, and the Ostrogothic Regime Testa_et_al 2016 29.8.2024
74 bookSection Introduction Arnold_Bjornlie_Sessa 2016 28.8.2024
75 bookSection The Senate at Rome in Ostrogothic Italy Radtki_et_al 2016 28.8.2024
76 bookSection Urban Life and Culture Deliyannis_et_al 2016 28.8.2024
77 bookSection Goths and Gothic Identity in the Ostrogothic Kingdom Swain_et_al 2016 28.8.2024
78 bookSection The Law Lafferty_et_al 2016 28.8.2024
79 journalArticle Rise and Fall of the Grand Canal in the Ancient Kaifeng City of China: Role of the Grand Canal and Water Supply in Urban and Regional Development Huang_et_al 2021 27.8.2024
81 journalArticle Remarks on the Bureaucracy in North China during the Tenth Century Eberhard 1951 27.8.2024
82 encyclopediaArticle Songhai Empire Cartwright - 23.8.2024
84 journalArticle The evolution of alcohol use in India Sharma_Tripathi_Pelto 2010 23.8.2024
85 journalArticle Archaeology and the construction of identities in medieval North India Varma_Menon 2008 23.8.2024
86 journalArticle Numismatic Evidence and the Economic History of the Delhi Sultanate Moosvi 1989 23.8.2024
88 journalArticle The Ignored Elites: Turks, Mongols and a Persian Secretarial Class in the Early Delhi Sultanate Kumar 2009 23.8.2024
89 journalArticle Ancient to contemporary—The saga of Indian handloom sector Kumar_et_al 2021 23.8.2024
90 book Persuasion and Propaganda: Monuments and the Eighteenth-Century British Empire Coutu 2006 23.8.2024
91 journalArticle SOMETHING WAS BREWING IN OUR TALKS LAST FALL Hancock 2012 23.8.2024
92 computerProgram Seshat-Global-History-Databank/cliopatria: Preparation for first public release Chalstrey_Bennett 2024 22.8.2024
93 journalArticle Discovering the mesoscale for chains of conflict Kushwaha_Lee 2023 21.8.2024
94 journalArticle Climate Variability and Change since 850 CE: An Ensemble Approach with the Community Earth System Model Otto-Bliesner_et_al 2016 21.8.2024
95 report Polycrisis Research and Action Roadmap Lawrence_et_al 2024 20.8.2024
96 journalArticle Political Demography: The Political Consequences of Structural Population Change Lu 2024 17.8.2024
97 journalArticle Quantifying suicide contagion at population scale Shaman_et_al 2024 16.8.2024
98 journalArticle Flights of the Sacred: Symbolism and Theory in Siberian Shamanism Balzer 1996 14.8.2024
99 book Die Heraufkunft des Transzendenten Gottes in Ägypten Morenz 1964 12.8.2024
100 book Die Provinztempel Ägyptens von der 0. bis zur 11. Dynastie: Archäologie und Geschichte einer gesellschaftlichen Institution zwischen Residenz und Provinz. Teil 1: Text Bussmann 2010 12.8.2024
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