Home Region:  Central Africa (Africa)

Cwezi Dynasty

1450 CE 1699 CE

G SC PT EQ 2020  ug_bunyoro_k_1 / UgCwezi

Preceding Entity:
No Polity found. Add one here.

Succeeding Entity: Add one more here.
1450 CE 1749 CE Nkore (ug_nkore_k_1)    [population replacement]

No General Descriptions provided.

General Variables
Identity and Location
Temporal Bounds
Political and Cultural Relations
Social Complexity Variables
Warfare Variables (Military Technologies)
Military use of Metals
Handheld weapons
Animals used in warfare
Naval technology
Economy Variables (Luxury Goods) Coding in Progress.
Religion Variables Coding in Progress.
Crisis Consequences Coding in Progress.
Power Transitions Coding in Progress.

NGA Settlements:

Year Range Cwezi Dynasty (ug_bunyoro_k_1) was in:
Home NGA: None

General Variables
Identity and Location
Temporal Bounds
Political and Cultural Relations
Succeeding Entity:
1450 CE 1749 CE Nkore (ug_nkore_k_1)    [population replacement]  

(Relationship): "Individual settlements were governed by clan chiefs, but around the middle of the 1400s, one of these, Ruhinda, rose to dominance and established himself as mugabe , or paramount ruler over all the Ankole clans." [1] "Prior to the Hinda invasion, Nkore had been a remote district on the marches of the ’empire’ of the Bacwezi. The Bacwezi are so fully legendary that their existence as real men has been seriously doubted by some scholars (Wrighley 1958)." [2] , "Individual settlements were governed by clan chiefs, but around the middle of the 1400s, one of these, Ruhinda, rose to dominance and established himself as mugabe , or paramount ruler over all the Ankole clans." [1] "Prior to the Hinda invasion, Nkore had been a remote district on the marches of the ’empire’ of the Bacwezi. The Bacwezi are so fully legendary that their existence as real men has been seriously doubted by some scholars (Wrighley 1958)." [2]
(Entity): "Similar overlaps were salient in regard to other aspects of culture. Various interlacustrine societies, especially the Bahinda-ruled areas, had basically similar myths of origin, the common mythology being the presumed sojourn in the region of the semi-legendary Bacwezi." [3] "Prior to the Hinda invasion, Nkore had been a remote district on the marches of the ’empire’ of the Bacwezi. The Bacwezi are so fully legendary that their existence as real men has been seriously doubted by some scholars (Wrighley 1958). [...] The reality of Bacwezi rule, despite its ardent critics and more ardent proponents, was almost certainly little more than the dominance of a pastoral clan and their close followers over a vast, thinly populated and sporadically administered region." [2]

[1]: (Middleton 2015: 45) Seshat URL: https://www.zotero.org/groups/1051264/seshat_databank/collections/GWWIKDDM.

[2]: (Steinhart 1978: 133) Seshat URL: https://www.zotero.org/groups/1051264/seshat_databank/collections/GWWIKDDM/items/D3FV7SKV/collection.

[3]: (Doornbos 1978: 19) Seshat URL: https://www.zotero.org/groups/1051264/seshat_databank/collections/GWWIKDDM/items/ISMJWJ4U/collection.


Social Complexity Variables
Social Scale
Hierarchical Complexity
Settlement Hierarchy:
[1450, 1699]

1. Capital2. Seat of bakungu (great chiefs)3. Seat of bakongole (lesser chiefs)4. Lesser towns and/or villages
"In the Nyoro state of the nineteenth century, as reconstructed by John Beattie (1971), all political authority was regarded as belonging to, and allocable by, the king (mukama) alone. Political authority was delegated by the mukama, usually in the form of grants of estates. There was a limited number of great chiefs (bakungu), who ruled over large areas subdivided amongst lesser chiefs (bakongole)." [Robertshaw 2010, p. 261] It seems reasonable to infer that this was the case in preceding centuries as well, given organisational continuity between the Babito dynasty and its predecessors: Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization".

Administrative Level:
[1450, 1699]

1. Omukama or mukama (king)
"The Omukama was also head of government." [Uzoigwe 2012, p. 21] 2. Orukurato rw’omubananu (cabinet)"Real formal power lay with the Omukama and the orukurato rw’omubananu (cabinet), however. The bamuroga – a sort of prime minister – headed the cabinet and was also the Omukama’s double when he was unavailable. The cabinet was the policy-making arm of government. Parliament could not override its decisions but the Omukama must approve them. The cabinet included also the mugema and an unspecified number of important officials. The Omukama was by no means primus inter pares in relation to his cabinet although the influence of any cabinet depended on the authority the incumbent Omukama was capable or willing to wield." [Uzoigwe 2012, p. 22] 2. Amakumu g’Omukama (royal stewards)"A governor was normally, but not necessarily, appointed by the Omukama on the advice of the abakuru b’ ebitebe (counselors of state)" [Uzoigwe 2012, p. 21] 2. Abakuru b’emirwa (royal household)
2. Abakuru b'ebitebe (counsellors of state)"Such other institutions of government as the amakumu g’Omukama (royal stewards) who existed as parallel territorial administrative setup and were in charge of royal estates and lands, and the abakuru b’emirwa (royal household) comprising officials selected diffusely throughout the land to perform specific functions, were devices that went some way to bridging the gap and easing the tension generated by the centralizing tendencies of the constitution on the one hand, and the tendency to fission that characterized the clans and the periphery on the other." [Uzoigwe 2012, p. 22] 2. Mugema"The mugema, a very important governor of the hereditary county Kigimba (Nyakabimba, now in modern Tooro), exerted a lot of influence in governance as head of the crown wearers, aptly described by the Reverend John Roscoe as belonging to a β€˜Sacred Guild’ (Roscoe, 1923: 112)." [Uzoigwe 2012, p. 22] 2. Abakama b'obuhanga (provincial governors)"The abakama b’obuhanga (provincial governors were the highest-ranking political administrators." [Uzoigwe 2012, p. 21] 3. Abajwara kondo (mediators between governors and king)
3. Abasekura (advisors to provincial governors)"The abakama also used the abajwara kondo (crown wearers) who were members of the austere order of counselors, and the abasekura, a small select group of informal advisors and sycophants (β€˜kitchen cabinet’?), permitted to speak with the king in intimate terms, to maintain the stability and smooth functioning of the state." [Uzoigwe 2012, p. 22] 4. Mid-level provincial administrators"Below the governors was a hierarchy of territorial administrators down to the village level." [Uzoigwe 2012, p. 22] 5. Local-level provincial administrators"Below the governors was a hierarchy of territorial administrators down to the village level." [Uzoigwe 2012, p. 22] Though this data directly relates to the 19th century CE, it seems reasonable to infer that this was the case in preceding centuries as well, given organisational continuity between the Babito dynasty and its predecessors: Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization".

Professional Soldier:
[1450, 1699]

Referring to a late-19th century monarch: "Kabarega is also credited with military reforms that created a standing army with companies (barusura) of soldiers who were often under the leadership of foreign mercenaries appointed directly by the king." [Robertshaw_Espinova_Lane 2016, p. 211]

Professional Military Officer:
[1450, 1699]

Referring to a late-19th century monarch: "Kabarega is also credited with military reforms that created a standing army with companies (barusura) of soldiers who were often under the leadership of foreign mercenaries appointed directly by the king." [Robertshaw_Espinova_Lane 2016, p. 211]

Bureaucracy Characteristics
Specialized Buildings: polity owned
[1450, 1699]

"By about thirteenth century or fourteenth century [The Abatembuzi dynasty] was displaced by Abachwezi rule. [...] [B]y the fifteenth century the Kitara empire was at the height of its power and of its territorial expansion. [...] It is very likely that the origin of Kitara's markets can be dated to Abachwezi epoch. There are various reasons for holding this view. First, there is evidence to suggest that communities had become technologically more advanced than hitherto and increased population, as a consequence of increased food production, may have led to the rise of the market exchange. Second, improved technology may also have led to rise the salt industries at Katwe and Kibiro, and iron industries of Kooki of the areas around Masindi. Important markets are known to have existed in these centers. Third, according to tradition, markets were to be found at the Abakama's palaces as well as at the saza (county) headquarters of the great chiefs. While this tradition does not specifically mention the Abachwezi period, it is not unlikely that the practice was initiated by them. Fourth, as a result of imperial expansion, Kitara society had become heterogeneous and more complicated. Therefore, even if it can be characterized as 'subsistence' in its economic organization, the inhibiting factors against specialization were no longer general, so that certain areas could have been driven by the need for economic exchange to establish market institutions. It must be emphasized again that tradition makes no mention of markets which can emphatically be traced to this period. But it would be wrong nevertheless to draw the conclusion that markets were simply because tradition has not recorded their existence." [Uzoigwe 1972, pp. 425-427]

Transport Infrastructure
[1450, 1699]

"In the Nyoro state of the nineteenth century, [...] There were no roads and no attempts to connect chiefs’ residences with the capital." (Robertshaw 2010: 261) It seems reasonable to infer that this was the case in preceding centuries as well, given (1) organisational continuity between the Babito dynasty and its predecessors (Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization").

Special-purpose Sites
Ceremonial Site:
[1450, 1699]

"Accordingly, there were several contemporary Cwezi polities, each centred on a ritual site, generally a prominent hill, which was the location for the shrine of the spirit who was the patron of the ruling line." (Taylor & Robertshaw 2000: 4-5)

Information / Writing System
Written Record:
[1450, 1699]

"Literacy entered Uganda for the first time with the introduction of Islam in the late 1860’s and for nearly a decade instruction in Islam was progressing and flourishing at the royal court. When literacy was introduced into the kingdom of Buganda, it was confined to speakers of Arabic and Kiswahili." [PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_Moumouni 2014, p. 145]

[1450, 1699]

"Literacy entered Uganda for the first time with the introduction of Islam in the late 1860’s and for nearly a decade instruction in Islam was progressing and flourishing at the royal court. When literacy was introduced into the kingdom of Buganda, it was confined to speakers of Arabic and Kiswahili." [PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_Moumouni 2014, p. 145]

Phonetic Alphabetic Writing:
[1450, 1699]

"Literacy entered Uganda for the first time with the introduction of Islam in the late 1860’s and for nearly a decade instruction in Islam was progressing and flourishing at the royal court. When literacy was introduced into the kingdom of Buganda, it was confined to speakers of Arabic and Kiswahili." [PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_Moumouni 2014, p. 145]

Nonwritten Record:
[1450, 1699]

Note that the region is known for its extensive oral histories, but that these do not meet our codebook definition for this variable ("Records that are more extensive than mnemonics, but don't utilize script. Example: quipu; seals and stamps").

Non Phonetic Writing:
[1450, 1699]

"Literacy entered Uganda for the first time with the introduction of Islam in the late 1860’s and for nearly a decade instruction in Islam was progressing and flourishing at the royal court. When literacy was introduced into the kingdom of Buganda, it was confined to speakers of Arabic and Kiswahili." [PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_Moumouni 2014, p. 145]

Information / Kinds of Written Documents
Scientific Literature:
[1450, 1699]

"Literacy entered Uganda for the first time with the introduction of Islam in the late 1860’s and for nearly a decade instruction in Islam was progressing and flourishing at the royal court. When literacy was introduced into the kingdom of Buganda, it was confined to speakers of Arabic and Kiswahili." [PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_Moumouni 2014, p. 145]

Sacred Text:
[1450, 1699]

"Literacy entered Uganda for the first time with the introduction of Islam in the late 1860’s and for nearly a decade instruction in Islam was progressing and flourishing at the royal court. When literacy was introduced into the kingdom of Buganda, it was confined to speakers of Arabic and Kiswahili." [PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_Moumouni 2014, p. 145]

Religious Literature:
[1450, 1699]

"Literacy entered Uganda for the first time with the introduction of Islam in the late 1860’s and for nearly a decade instruction in Islam was progressing and flourishing at the royal court. When literacy was introduced into the kingdom of Buganda, it was confined to speakers of Arabic and Kiswahili." [PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_Moumouni 2014, p. 145]

Practical Literature:
[1450, 1699]

"Literacy entered Uganda for the first time with the introduction of Islam in the late 1860’s and for nearly a decade instruction in Islam was progressing and flourishing at the royal court. When literacy was introduced into the kingdom of Buganda, it was confined to speakers of Arabic and Kiswahili." [PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_Moumouni 2014, p. 145]

[1450, 1699]

"Literacy entered Uganda for the first time with the introduction of Islam in the late 1860’s and for nearly a decade instruction in Islam was progressing and flourishing at the royal court. When literacy was introduced into the kingdom of Buganda, it was confined to speakers of Arabic and Kiswahili." [PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_Moumouni 2014, p. 145]

Lists Tables and Classification:
[1450, 1699]

"Literacy entered Uganda for the first time with the introduction of Islam in the late 1860’s and for nearly a decade instruction in Islam was progressing and flourishing at the royal court. When literacy was introduced into the kingdom of Buganda, it was confined to speakers of Arabic and Kiswahili." [PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_Moumouni 2014, p. 145]

[1450, 1699]

"Literacy entered Uganda for the first time with the introduction of Islam in the late 1860’s and for nearly a decade instruction in Islam was progressing and flourishing at the royal court. When literacy was introduced into the kingdom of Buganda, it was confined to speakers of Arabic and Kiswahili." [PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_Moumouni 2014, p. 145]

[1450, 1699]

"Literacy entered Uganda for the first time with the introduction of Islam in the late 1860’s and for nearly a decade instruction in Islam was progressing and flourishing at the royal court. When literacy was introduced into the kingdom of Buganda, it was confined to speakers of Arabic and Kiswahili." [PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_Moumouni 2014, p. 145]

[1450, 1699]

"Literacy entered Uganda for the first time with the introduction of Islam in the late 1860’s and for nearly a decade instruction in Islam was progressing and flourishing at the royal court. When literacy was introduced into the kingdom of Buganda, it was confined to speakers of Arabic and Kiswahili." [PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_PawlikovΓ‘-VilhanovΓ‘_Moumouni 2014, p. 145]

Information / Money
[1450, 1699]

"Another method of exchange involved the use of ensimbi (cowrie shells). It is generally believed that the ensimbi were introduced by the Arabs in the nineteenth century and that with their introduction, a money economy started. Some informants, however, assert that ensimbi had been in use since Abachwezi times 'or even earlier', but admit that the practice only became widespread in the nineteenth century as a result of Arab stimulation. As no less an authority than Nyakatura--the traditional historian of Kitara--subscribes to this view, it must deserve some respect. Archaeology may yet vindicate him. Be that as it may, ensimbi were definitely used as a medium of exchange in the nineteenth century. But opinion is divided as to how widely they were used even in this period. Some informants believe that they largely superseded trade by barter; others argue that many people were suspicious of that sort of exchange and saw no reason to change from the traditional pattern. Grant, who visited Kitara during the reign Kamurasi noted that 'cowries were the chief coin of the country'. Baker (1866) observed that every morning during his residence in Kitara he heard the cry: 'Tobacco, tobacco; two packets for either beads or simbis' simbi); 'Milk to sell for beads or salt!' and 'salt to exchange for lance-heads'. Emin Pasha (1888) stated bluntly that the majority of the people ignored ensimbi as a medium of exchange. But Casati (1891) found that in 1880s the introduction of cowries (Cyprea moneta) 'has facilitated and extended business'." (Uzoigwe 1972: 448-449)

Precious Metal:
[1450, 1699]

In the 19th century CE, "[t]he medium of exchange was barter", though cowrie shells were also used, at least in the 19th century [Uzoigwe 1972, pp. 447-450] . Given likely continuity in economic matters between this period and preceding centuries (Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization"), it seems reasonable to infer that that this statement applies to preceding centuries as well.

Paper Currency:
[1450, 1699]

In the 19th century CE, "[t]he medium of exchange was barter", though cowrie shells were also used, at least in the 19th century [Uzoigwe 1972, pp. 447-450] . Given likely continuity in economic matters between this period and preceding centuries (Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization"), it seems reasonable to infer that that this statement applies to preceding centuries as well.

Indigenous Coin:
[1450, 1699]

In the 19th century CE, "[t]he medium of exchange was barter", though cowrie shells were also used, at least in the 19th century [Uzoigwe 1972, pp. 447-450] . Given likely continuity in economic matters between this period and preceding centuries (Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization"), it seems reasonable to infer that that this statement applies to preceding centuries as well.

Foreign Coin:
[1450, 1699]

In the 19th century CE, "[t]he medium of exchange was barter", though cowrie shells were also used, at least in the 19th century [Uzoigwe 1972, pp. 447-450] . Given likely continuity in economic matters between this period and preceding centuries (Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization"), it seems reasonable to infer that that this statement applies to preceding centuries as well.

[1450, 1699]

In the 19th century CE, "[t]he medium of exchange was barter", though cowrie shells were also used, at least in the 19th century [Uzoigwe 1972, pp. 447-450] . Given likely continuity in economic matters between this period and preceding centuries (Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization"), it seems reasonable to infer that that this statement applies to preceding centuries as well.

Store Of Wealth:
[1450, 1699]

In the 19th century CE, "[t]he medium of exchange was barter", though cowrie shells were also used, at least in the 19th century [Uzoigwe 1972, pp. 447-450] . Given likely continuity in economic matters between this period and preceding centuries (Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization"), it seems reasonable to infer that that this statement applies to preceding centuries as well.

Debt And Credit Structure:
[1450, 1699]

In the 19th century CE, "[t]he medium of exchange was barter", though cowrie shells were also used, at least in the 19th century [Uzoigwe 1972, pp. 447-450] . Given likely continuity in economic matters between this period and preceding centuries (Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization"), it seems reasonable to infer that that this statement applies to preceding centuries as well.

Information / Postal System
Information / Measurement System
Weight Measurement System:
[1450, 1699]

In reference to 19th-century Bunyoro-Kitara: "But there were no accepted standard weights and measures." [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 447] Given likely continuity in economic matters between this period and preceding centuries (Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization"), it seems reasonable to infer that that this statement applies to preceding centuries as well.

Volume Measurement System:
[1450, 1699]

In reference to 19th-century Bunyoro-Kitara: "But there were no accepted standard weights and measures." [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 447] Given likely continuity in economic matters between this period and preceding centuries (Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization"), it seems reasonable to infer that that this statement applies to preceding centuries as well.

Other Measurement System:
[1450, 1699]

In reference to 19th-century Bunyoro-Kitara: "But there were no accepted standard weights and measures." [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 447] Given likely continuity in economic matters between this period and preceding centuries (Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization"), it seems reasonable to infer that that this statement applies to preceding centuries as well.

Length Measurement System:
[1450, 1699]

In reference to 19th-century Bunyoro-Kitara: "But there were no accepted standard weights and measures." [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 447] Given likely continuity in economic matters between this period and preceding centuries (Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization"), it seems reasonable to infer that that this statement applies to preceding centuries as well.

Geometrical Measurement System:
[1450, 1699]

In reference to 19th-century Bunyoro-Kitara: "But there were no accepted standard weights and measures." [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 447] Given likely continuity in economic matters between this period and preceding centuries (Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization"), it seems reasonable to infer that that this statement applies to preceding centuries as well.

Area Measurement System:
[1450, 1699]

In reference to 19th-century Bunyoro-Kitara: "But there were no accepted standard weights and measures." [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 447] Given likely continuity in economic matters between this period and preceding centuries (Uzoigwe [Uzoigwe 1972, p. 247] specifically notes that the Babito "do not seem to have introduced any fundamental economic changes" or "any revolutionaty social reorganization"), it seems reasonable to infer that that this statement applies to preceding centuries as well.

Warfare Variables (Military Technologies)
Military use of Metals
Handheld weapons
Animals used in warfare
Naval technology

Economy Variables (Luxury Goods)

Coding in Progress.
Power Transitions