No General Descriptions provided.
Year Range | Sharqi (in_sharqi_dyn) was in: |
levels. Inferred.
1. Jaunpur (capital)
2. Zafarabad"Zafarabad is older than Jaunpur, but during the Sharqi reign it was of secondary importance and was better known for its religious and literary activities than for its architectural attainments."
3. Other cities
4. Towns
5. Villages
[1]: (Saeed 1972, 116) Mian Muhammad Saeed. 1972. The Sharqi Sultanate of Jaunpur. Karachi: University of Karachi.
"’The Kings of the East’ built many magnificent mosques, forts, palaces, madrasas, shrines and tombs in different parts of their kingdom. [...] Sultan Mubarak Shah Sharqi [...] enlarged the capital city of Jaunpur and adorned it with splendid mosques, madrasas, palaces, libraries, bazars, tombs and shrines. [...] All the Sharqi rulers and their imperial consorts encouraged education and established madrasas where different subjects were taught and facilities were provided for students." [1]
[1]: (Saeed 1972, 114, 170) Mian Muhammad Saeed. 1972. The Sharqi Sultanate of Jaunpur. Karachi: University of Karachi.
"Sultan Mubarak Shah Sharqi [...] dug ba’olis (vast circular wells) and other wells, and made bridges and laid gardens for the welfare of his subjects." [1] "As the Sharqis were always leading military expeditions, it may be reasonably inferred that they would have constructed many bridges to facilitate the movement of their troops." [2]
[1]: (Saeed 1972, 114-115) Mian Muhammad Saeed. 1972. The Sharqi Sultanate of Jaunpur. Karachi: University of Karachi.
[2]: (Saeed 1972, 164) Mian Muhammad Saeed. 1972. The Sharqi Sultanate of Jaunpur. Karachi: University of Karachi.
"The subjects which specially received the attention of Jaunpur scholars were Tafsir (commentary on the holy Quran), Hadis (traditions and sayings related to the Prophet Muhammad, his companions and successors) and Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence)." [1]
[1]: (Saeed 1972, 170) Mian Muhammad Saeed. 1972. The Sharqi Sultanate of Jaunpur. Karachi: University of Karachi.